速報APP / 生活品味 / Goetu Salon POS

Goetu Salon POS



檔案大小:55.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Goetu Salon POS(圖1)-速報App

GO3 Reservation

The surest way to speed up your direct booking and boost your nail salon sales!

Easy To Use, Flexible, and Powerful Online Booking System

Goetu Salon POS(圖2)-速報App

GO3 Reservation offers your existing and potential customers a fast and seamless reservation system that requires minimum efforts when using through their PC, tablets, or smartphones. You also get to earn higher revenues as your customers can avail promos, discounts, special offers, and other loyalty perks when they use the GO3 Reservation system.

Responsive Booking System

Our responsive booking system enables your customers to access it from any device, giving your sales process an advantage over your competitors.

Goetu Salon POS(圖3)-速報App

Easy Booking Process

Search, request, and reserve. Our nail salon reservation system is that simple! Customers can search by city, state, zip, or business name and the results show them exactly what they are looking for or recommend nearby nail salons. Once an available schedule is selected, a reservation request will be sent and a confirmation of guaranteed appointment will pop up. Now, they can enjoy a hassle-free and comfortable nail salon session!
